A Teachable Moment: Using 13 Reasons Why to Initiate a Helpful Conversation about Suicide Prevention and Mental Health

A Teachable Moment: Using 13 Reasons Why to Initiate a Helpful Conversation about Suicide Prevention and Mental Health

A Teachable Moment: Using 13 Reasons Why to Initiate a Helpful Conversation about Suicide Prevention and Mental Health

As most of you know, the trending Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, based on a young adult novel of the same name, is raising some questions and concerns about mental health and suicide. The series revolves around 17-year-old Hannah Baker, who takes her own life and leaves behind audio recordings for 13 people she says were in some way part of why she killed herself. Each tape recounts painful events in which one or more of the 13 individuals played a role.

It’s important that we have a conversation that’s smart about mental health and suicide prevention. Join us on Tuesday, May 2, at 2 p.m. Eastern for a discussion about 13 Reasons Why and what you can do in your school, at home and within your communities to support our young people and those who may be struggling.

With the help of some leading experts in the field, we’d like to explore:

  • What’s the big deal about 13 Reasons Why?
    • Brief overview of the series
    • Reframing misperceptions about mental health and suicide
    • How to mitigate risk of contagion
  • How can you have an open conversation about mental health and suicide prevention at home, in your school and in your community?
    • Understanding mental health and suicide
    • Having a conversation
    • Learning the risks & warning signs of suicide
    • Supporting help-seeking behavior
    • Sharing resources


Source: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: https://afsp.org/teachable-moment-using-13-reasons-initiate-helpful-conversation-suicide-prevention-mental-health/

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